6 Things to Try In Your Morning Routine to Make You Feel Like a Badass


6 Things to Try In Your Morning Routine to Make You Feel Like a Badass

Carving out some time for yourself in the morning, before the outside world comes crashing in - or you go bursting out into it - has a serious impact on the way you move through your day (and life).

Remember, consistency is key. But also remember, don’t beat yourself up if some days don’t stick to the game plan - you can come back to any of these practices at any time of the day - or pick them back up after a lull - they are practices - and they require practice.


Mirror Work

Through mirror work you can start to shift the dialogue you have with yourself. The word dialogue here is important to note - mirror work is not just about looking yourself in the eye and speaking affirmations, it is also an opportunity to LISTEN to yourself too and begin to hold space for the parts of you that may be suppressed, or perhaps met with frustration rather than care. Hear yourself out.

Start of my just sitting in front of a mirror and holding eye contact with yourself or three minutes. It may feel uncomfortable, but stick with it and note of how and what you feel afterwards. This is an incredible daily practice which you will continuously build upon and deepen.



The beauty about meditation is that you do not need hours in order to feel the benefits. What’s more is that you can build upon your practice and vary it from day to day. I usually do guided meditations as they help me focus, but you can also do self-guided practices. Start of with three minutes and see how that feels and notice where your thoughts go - notice them and practice letting them pass. Some stillness in the morning goes a long way.



Similar to meditation, journaling is a powerful way in which you can clear your mind at the start of the day. While through meditation you way work to observe your thoughts and clear your mind, journaling gives you a space which is just yours to get them all out! I really enjoy the actual physical act of writing (or typing), and it also give me the opportunity to go back and read over previous thoughts, emotions and notes that I leave my future self.



There is a lot scientific study to back up the claim that the manner in which we talk to ourselves dramatically impacts our body and mind. Affirmations are so much more than corny positive feel-good quotes. They are a personal, directed and intentional (self) love language. Create affirmations for yourself and repeat them until your brain listens and doesn’t view ‘ I further my career with every action’ or ‘I am enough’ as foreign thoughts.

Some great tips for affirmations; Use the present tense (I am…); Use positive language (I am never > I am always…); Speak confidently ( I should or I might > I am or I do)


Fists of Anger

Fists of Anger is a Kundalini yoga practice, which broadly is aimed towards releasing energy, frustrations and anger. Fists of Anger combines powerful, quick breath and vigorous movement. Research some more into the practice or give a guided practice a go. Tap into this powerful energy source and allow yourself to release.

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Breathwork is a term used to describe a great variety of breathing exercises or techniques that can have a powerful impact on your mental & physical health and wellbeing. While all of these exercises focus on conscious awareness of inhales and exhales, there are many different kinds of breathwork that work with different intentions and focuses, giving you flexibility in your morning routine to really tune into what you need on the day.


Follow these 3 steps! Have you tried reels yet? I would love to see yours and hear how you get on!

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