What Having Genital Herpes Taught Me About Growing My Business


What Having Genital Herpes Taught Me About Growing My Business


You may read this title and ask ‘what the fuck do genital herpes and being an entrepreneur have in common?!’ 

Well, let me tell you my story. This is the story of my own lived experience of being STD positive. This is a story about how having genital herpes help me back, made me feel like I wasn’t good enough, like I was dirty, and quite frankly, unlovable. It’s a story of fear and rejection, the wild predictions, and the steps we take thinking we are protecting ourselves. 

But it’s also a story about self empowerment. About breaking through that, and realising I was worthy of it all. And how that can relate to our journey in the world of Business.

When I was 11 years old, I was diagnosed with Genital Herpes. At the time I was hospitalised for 2 weeks and although physically it was traumatic, I was too young to understand the implication of being STD positive. It was mentally traumatic too. Like hello! A middle aged doctor having to inspect my vagina every day for 2 weeks. 

STDs carry with them a heavy plethora of stigma and shame. Full stop. This is something societally we are still working through. This is something the majority of us still have to do; to check our internalised belief that STDs are dirty, and shameful, and somehow make us lesser-than. 

The fear of rejection from potential sexual partners, and also honestly just sharing with friends, was too much to handle. When it came round to sharing with somebody, I would be scared shitless and would pray I wouldn’t be met by what then felt like the bitter slap of rejection. 

Note. Rejection is not a bad things. Take it as a blessing. 

Looking back on this, I see so this so much in the way we are scared to show up online. We premeditate the notion that people will laugh and reject us before we even announce what we’re doing. Like ‘Oh God… what will Lucy from Uni think?'

In 2018, in a Yoni Workshop, I actually announced to the group that I had it. The host told me the only way to remove the ‘dirty’ stigma was to just own it and be proud of it. I know that the word ‘just’ can sometimes feel like a massive middle finger because a lot of the time is doesn’t feel like an easy ‘just-do-it’ action. It’s hard to break down all the things that are stopping us from just doing it. (Contrary to what a certain athletics brand might have you think). But it also IS just as easy as just doing it. Sometimes all it takes is the right support in whatever form that comes, and someone  - at times simply through their way of being and through their own courage - to give you the permission to JUST do whatever it is that is holding you back and/or down. 

A few months later I did an IG post about it, heart beating out of chest, with the words STI+ written on my stomach. That’s it right there at the top - I am very proud of the Hannah in that photo. 

SO many people messaged me saying they had herpes too and they were so grateful I spoke out!

If you take control of YOUR fear, and step up, and announce it, there is no where to hide. And you WILL change someone’s life by sharing your own struggle and talking about your business. Do not let fear hold you back!

If you’re still not sold on the commonalities I found between having genital herpes and being an entrepreneur, to put it plainly, it opens you up to the potential massive rejection and ridicule. But let me just interject right there. No one will ever reject you as badly as you reject yourself. The predicted, projected and imagined scenarios in your head will never be as bad as the actual reality. 

Every time I tell a partner I have genital herpes the response is always ‘cool, thank you letting me know, now let’s do this!’ 

So stop your ego getting in the way and holding you back from showing you up and doing the thing. If you’re ready to start a business or tell the world you’re doing something, it is time.

So, Step One:

Announce it to the world! Stop being afraid of the potential scary outcome.

Annnnd that is the only step. You’re welcome! 

Be bold. Show up. Know you are supported and loved, and lovable. And every lesson you learn can be applied to every where in your life!

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